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Get to know our guests: Chloe

This is the platform where you can jump behind the scenes and hear what our guests have to say! From their favourite places in Europe to traveling tips and much more. This time we are getting to know our guest Chloe!


Get to know our guest Chloe

Name: Chloe

From: USA, Ohio

Age: 25-35


What made you want to travel?

“I wanted to experience what Europe had to offer. Get out of my hometown to meet new people from all over the world and experience different cultures and backgrounds.”

Where has been your favourite place in Europe?

“Visiting the mountains in Austria was magical. When visiting Bregenz the views were surreal and swimming in the lake Constance was extremely refreshing on a hot day in summer.”

What has been the best thing you have eaten?

“Having käsespätzle, a german cheese noodle dish was heavenly. The Cheesy noodles topped with crisp, caramelized onions are addictive. After coming to The Netherlands the cheese here has been the number 1!”

What is your favourite thing about The Pig?

The best thing about The Pig is the people. The friends I have made and connections built on the backdeck will stay with me for the rest of my life. Being able to spend my time and with the amazing staff that volunteer throughout the year and discussing past, present and future have been a weight off my shoulder and I’m higher than the clouds. “

How do you like to travel? (Planes, trains, busses…)

“Trains are agame changer in Europe. Coming from America where most transport is taken by car, having a train system that can take you from one country to another with so many timetables and connecting ways are so convenient. Trains are cool.”

What is your desired dorm size?

“Living in a 3-person female dorm.”

What is one piece of advice you would give for people wanting to travel?

“Don’t wait till you are ready to do it!”

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